Friday, June 21, 2013

Let's Get Together, yeah, yeah, yeah

We are so grateful to be friends with Richard & Valerie and their sweet family. Valerie introduced me to Keith's picture on the Reece's Rainbow website. Valerie's son, Evan, and Keith were cribmates in a small orphanage in Ukraine. And my friendship with Valerie has been strong since the beginning. She is an incredible woman and together with her husband, they have 10 children (bio triplets and 7 adopted special needs children). Needless to say, they probably don't get invited over much...and neither do we with our five...but what's ten more kids for dinner, anyhow? We always have a great time together. Here are the 15 children eating dinner. Tacoritos, I think? They loved it!

Me and my three sons. Calvin is quite the silly boy!

Me and my two daughters. So blessed!

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