Sunday, September 01, 2013

35 years young!

Happy Birthday to ME! I believe that birthdays are special and fun at any age. This year it's 35 years for me. Anna informed me that I have 15 more years before I will be considered "old." Ha ha.
Today is Fast Sunday, since it's the first Sunday of the month. I fasted for my friend, who is struggling with her health, and also that I would be able to regain my own health, as well. Church was wonderful, and I was even sung to in the Primary!
In the afternoon I watched THE MUSIC MAN with Tyler and Anna. Anna made me this wonderful crown for my birthday.

I had a friend stop by, Stefanie, who brought a nice, orange card and some homemade apple cinnamon muffins. Yum!

For dinner, I made a ham and potato and corn chowder in the crockpot, some rolls, and a mango and passionfruit sparkling drink. Then for dessert I had some of those wonderful eclairs. Everyone loved the dinner.

This afternoon, Silas started acting odd and, sure enough, he had a fever. This busy boy was reduced to snuggles only, and you better believe I took advantage of that!

This year the kids wanted to get me presents so Tyler got FIVE dishwasher safe travel mugs for my Choffy and had each child wrap one up for me. They were so excited!

It was a wonderful day, full of phone calls, texts, emails, Facebook messages, and in person well wishing. And my sweet children were saying Happy Birthday over and over. Anna wrote me a song, Iryna gave me extra snuggles, Calvin created a card that hung from the table, etc. I am grateful to be surrounded by people who love me. And my husband is the most loving of all. He makes me feel like a queen. I am daily reminded of his love for me through his acts of kindness. Feeling so blessed today.


whitney said...

Oh, so glad you had such a fun birthday! You are definitely well-loved :)

Sylvia said...

Happy birthday to You!! :) You are amazing and wonderful and beautiful!! :) May each day of this year bring many reminders of those truths! :) I'm so glad you had so many wonderful things happening on your special day! Love you!

Annie said...

Happy birthday! You're just ahead of me and in the same year and month, so I always have a little reminder of my upcoming birthday - helps when we're so old... :)

Hope it was a great day!