Sunday, February 28, 2016

A virus most fierce

3 weeks ago, Silas had a fever. We stayed home from church, so it wouldn't spread. Little did we know that we would be sick for the next. three. weeks. We've had fevers, diarrhea, vomit, and upper respiratory congestion. It hasn't been pretty, folks! But I *think* we're finally in the clear, now that every single member of our family has been sick. Let's hope that is ENOUGH for us for now.

This little lady has managed to NOT BREAK HER GLASSES in the past month of wearing them. This is huge. I think she finally realizes how much better she can see with them on. #hopeful

Calvin has been bundling up for the cold weather outside.

We thought that Calvin might have strep throat after a low grade fever and a sore throat. But the results were negative. #thankgoodness

We broke out some games today and these two are loving Skip-Bo!

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