Calvin is sick with a fever and he has been vomiting. He's on antibiotics and Tylenol, but still feeling crummy. Poor baby. #snuggletime #lovebeingamama#feelbettercalvin #squishy

My son is showing me his artwork...under the door...while I am using the restroom...

Iryna was on duty to help me make dinner. She did a great job helping to make tuna fish sandwiches. #idontliketuna #everyoneelseinmyfamilydoes#outnumbered #ukrainianprincess

This kid loves to cook! And I am finding that I enjoy teaching someone who loves to cook! #friedfish #glutenfree #sotasty

Tonight is Silas' turn to pray. His prayer included the following statement:
"We are grateful our family can survive."
1 comment:
Lol Jill. I love Silas' comment. Got a good laugh out of that.
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