Sunday, January 20, 2008

I love Sundays!

Last night we actually got our act together and went to bed at 11pm - unlike 3am last week - and I was amazed to wake up rested. Is there a correlation here? I think so.

Choir practice went so well. I'm truly amazed at these dedicated members of the choir who get up an hour earlier each week and come in the freezing cold (today it was 2 degrees when I left my house) and come share their talents. I'm in awe of these wonderful singers.

I sang in church today: O Divine Redeemer. And I sang it from memory - that's a big deal for me. For some reason, I doubt that I'll be able to remember the words to just about any song that I sing - even if I've been singing it for years. I didn't even give myself the chance to look at the music, I just left it in the pew. It felt good to do that and I think the song went well. It's a difficult song for me to sing, there's no coasting when I sing it. Anna has a bad cough - so we came home after Sacrament meeting. It feels odd to be home in the morning on a Sunday.

The SBD has been going well. I meant to go back to the phase 1 but I've been doing more of a phase 2 instead and I discovered SBD frozen pizzas - they help me get through. :o) I'm eager to see how much I've lost this week, I think it will at least be 2 or 3 pounds. Plus I think I'm going to renew my YMCA membership. I noticed that I went to workout more often when I had that membership - because my friends go! So, I think on Monday I'll renew that membership and get my rear in gear.


Melisa said...

Sorry, I kinda checked out of the blog world the last few days. But I'm all caught up now.

Your couches and rug are so beautiful! Very nice!

Great job with SB! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

you did an awesome job today!!

jennifer said...

I enjoyed your song on Sunday - it's one of my favorites!