Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sad news

I received a phone call today that someone has adopted Katya (Nastya). We are devastated. Your prayers would be appreciated. :o(


Michelle said...

oh Jill, Im crying with you. For you, for them...man. :(

Sarah C said...

Jill, I am so sorry. We are praying for you. Best wishes. May the Lord bless you and comfort you during this trial.

Valerie said...

Oh Jill!!! I am devastated for you and your family and for Keith, who will not grow up knowing his twin sister. You will be in our prayers. And if you need to talk, please don't hesitate to call me.

mixednutsblog said...

I'm so sorry. I don't understand how that happened--I didn't think they would refer out a child when someone else is doing paperwork on them??? Especially since they were a sibling group.

Mommo said...

We will pray for you! What a terrible thing to have happen.

schoolmother said...

Jill, I am so very, very sorry to hear this. I am praying for you.

glittersmama said...

That sucks. Bad. I'm so sorry.

shannon said...

What the!?! There must be some legal recourse you can take to get her back. Have you talked to whoever is in charge and "reminded" them of their 'claimed' status?! Maybe there was some mistake? If you have the opportunity to get down to the bottom of it, I would, and fast...don't be hesitant to submit your case and facts.

Landlocked Shores said...

so sorry...

nicole said...

OH my gosh! I'm so sorry... how devastating for you. We will be praying for you guys. :(

Christine said...

I am so sorry. I thought the two were siblings????? I thought you couldn't split siblings.

... said...

I am sorry and praying for you. I thought they didn't split siblings? What happened?


Arizona mom to eight said...

((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) The same thing happened to our family in 2006, I know the pain can be unbearable, my heart and prayers are with you during this very difficult time. Too often people shrug off the pain that losing a beloved child you hope to adopt causes.

Please allow yourself to grieve, you loved her, and she felt like your child already, I know Joy did for us.

Perhaps there is another little girl who needed you more, God gave us Kara and Amanda after we lost Eva and Joy.


Courtney said...

For those who were asking, yes, the SDA will split siblings if they believe that a "healthy" sibling is unlikely to be adopted due to having an "unhealthy" sibling. They will also split siblings if one if significantly older--say a 12 yo and a 3 yo, so that at least one of them can be adopted (most people who want a 3 yo do not want a 12 yo).

Jill, I am so sorry.


Conethia and Jim Bob said...


I, too, am extremely sad to hear this!! I couldn't imagine having my baby "swooped" out from under me after getting to know her.


Liz said...

That it is so sad that they would break up siblings especially in this situation considering the bond twins commonly share. I'm so very sorry.


missyhope said...

We are grieving with you. You are in our prayers!!!!

Kathey said...

How can that be???? I am SO sorry. How can they do that? Oh yes, our heartfelt prayers are with you.

MamaPoRuski said...

I am dumbfounded Ukraine separated these two children knowing you were coming! Hugs and prayers being sent your way!

DoveFamily said...

So sad for you and for these siblings. Praying for this difficult time, and for the decisions ahead of you.