Friday, August 08, 2008

A great diet

I think that the Twilight series helps promote weight loss - because I'd rather read than eat and hours will go by without doing so...perhaps reading is the anti-eating drug?

I finished New Moon yesterday and will start the third book today. (thanks, Sarah!) I have physical therapy this afternoon so I can start on it then. Anna starts back to school on monday - can you believe it? August 11th - it seems so early, but she's excited so I'm not complaining. Having some free time will help me get my house cleaned and prepare for our trip to Ukraine - which is looking like it will be in september now.

Blog header: I'm wanting to do a blog header for my blog - but since I have a 3 column blog, I'm having difficulty in finding one WIDE enough. Plus I've seen some cute headers with text written in them...anyone want to guide me through it? I'll try to make it as painless as possible. :o)


Sarah C said...

I am glad you are enjoying the Twilight series. I noticed you have the countdown to the movie. That is awesome. I can help you with your blog if you want. Check out They have cute things for three columns.

Melisa said...

I wish that had helped me lose weight! You'll have to email and tell me what you thought of New Moon!

Landlocked Shores said...

I'm so glad your reading the Twilight saga!!! LOVE them! I'm done reading all of them... have thought of starting over but haven't done it yet. My heart will forever be Team Edward!

Ticklemedana said...

You can change the width of your header...just pick the one you want and look at the HTML formula (That gobbledygook that you cut and paste.)
You'll see some numbers and the word "width" next to one of them. it, for example, it's 534, you can change it to say, 750. Then, search the rest of the code and see if that 534 appears anywhere else, change it to 750, save and have a look. if it's too long, try a smaller number, if it's too short, try a bigger number. I would go up or down in intervals of 50 until you come close to what you want. I do this all the time to my Youtube code so that it fits into my blog or on the side. Let me know if this is too much for you and I can walk you through it on the phone! Love you!