I'm still sick & I'm sure you're sick of hearing about it. I'm sick of being sick! I just hope I can get all this sickness out of my system so I won't be sick while I'm in Ukraine. :o) I did some organization of photos on the computer. It's amazing how many pictures I had stashed in different locations - several pictures were duplicates, it's no wonder my computer has been running slower than usual! I also did some church music shopping. I found this website which had some nice pieces on it that you can download after you pay. It's nice to not have to wait for it to arrive in the mail like on this website - although, they have a bigger selection and it's a great resourse for choral music whereas the previous website had more solo selections. By the way, have you heard this piece before:
It's a song that I just love - the melody is wonderful. I know it's early for Christmas - but what do you think? (Actually, I don't EVER think it's too early for Christmas - I've been known to break out the Christmas music in september...)
Such a cute picture!
Feel better soon!
It may be too earlly for Christmas decorations but it is NEVER too early for Christmas music!
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