Wednesday, October 08, 2008


When will all my anxiety end? When will I feel that I have EVERYTHING that I need to take to Ukraine? When will my mind and heart feel that I am ready for this trip? When will I see my children in Ukraine? When will I be able to hold them? When will they look at me and recognize me as their mama? When will I bring them home, safe at last? When?


Saquel25 said...

I also have very many "when" questions plaguing me. I think it's so hard to have patience and faith that everything will be alright. I'm sure that very soon you'll be living the dream and the whole process will seem like a million years ago. Have fun on your trip. Try to enjoy the experience or "enjoy the journey" as President Monson said this weekend. I'll be thinking about you.

Tami said...

Unfortunately, the Type A in me was convinced I didn't have everything I needed for the trip...even on the way to the airport! :) The reality is, if you don't have it with you, you can probably get it in Ukraine. You'll be fine. ;>) As far as the other Whens? are concerned...welcome to parenthood! The questions and concerns NEVER end! :)

Blaine said...

A favorite song of mine during this time of waiting and before was "The Hardest Part" by Tom Petty I think it is. I won't sing it here, but "The waiting is the hardest part. . . You take it on faith, you take it to the heart. . . the waiting is the hardest part"

Diana said...

Only one of those questions has a concrete answer - When will I see my children in Ukraine. The answer is within 3-4 days of your SDA appointment.

God bless you on your journey!
Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge him, and He shall direct thy paths."

Sarah C said...

I am so excited for you. I am sure everything is going to work out great. Good luck.