Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Follow up

Lest there be any confusion, I want to clarify a few points.

First, I do NOT think ill of Ukraine or its people. For the most part, I found it to be a very nice country with friendly people. I was a bit nervous about how we would be received as Americans. I have heard that we are not liked very well around the world right now. With the war and the American economy pulling everyone else into a financial death spiral, I prepared myself for a very cool reception at best. I found the opposite to be the case. People were very warm and kind. The experience that we had with the stolen money can tend to leave a bad taste in the mouth. A guess there is not a place on earth that doesn’t have at least a few scoundrels. However, the positive experiences we had FAR outweigh this one negative one.

OK, so that was the one point that I wanted to clarify.


Lilola said...

Don't worry, you didn't give that impression at all. I'm so glad that you both have been able to have this experience and get to expand your family. Only 7 months from start to finish - then the REAL fun begins! LOL

schoolmother said...

Sorry about the money problem. It sounds like the next few days will be very hectic but you are almost there.

military mama said...

It sounds like although your journey has had some downs, it also has many ups! We are excited for you guys and this chance to raise two of Heavenly Father's sweet spirits.

Sarah C said...

How are things going? I hope everything is going well. Good luck.