Saturday, November 22, 2008

Updates on the kiddos

It's so nice to be able to post pictures whenever I want to! But first an update on how things are going here.

Kristina: she has the chicken pox REALLY bad. It's all over her body. Seriously. Anna hasn't had the chicken pox and I don't remember mine being so bad when I was young. Despite having this all over her - Kristina is such a happy girl! She is always smiling and aims to please. Today she helped me unload the dishwasher. She follows me around the house and wants to be doing whatever her mama is doing. It has taken some adjustment for me - my daughter, Anna, was quite content to do her own thing. However, I am enjoying how much she wants to be with me. And her snuggles and hugs are irresistable. She wears size 4T and LOVES music and dancing. Some pictures of Kristina since we've been home:

Keith: He has a cough right now, poor little guy. And he's pretty constipated. I've been giving him oatmeal, beans, juice, and other foods which should be helping him out - but massaging his tummy is the most effective method thus far. If only he liked the tummy massages. He loathes them and throws big-time fits during them. But they work. I hope his adjustment to the food here will be quick! When he's happy - he's really happy. But when he's sad...well, that's another story. He throws fits pretty often (something he didn't do in the orphanage) and is stubborn, but considering the fact that he can't communicate (he doesn't talk yet) and that his life has been turned upside-down, he's doing pretty good. He wears size 3T which are long enough but usually really baggy on him. He's so scrawny and his ribs stick out - poor thing! He loves string and electrical cords. Some pictures of Keith:

Anna: She enjoys having two younger siblings, but at times it's overwhelming for her. I try to praise her when she behaves well and notice her as much as possible. Since she's so self sufficient, it seems as though I'm busy changing diapers and taking care of the other kids a lot and I want for Anna to feel important to us. She wears size 8 and loves being the "big sister" and telling her siblings what to do. They don't seem to mind this. Yet. Here are some pictures of Anna:

The kids have been enjoying the Christmas decorations. Here are some group pictures of the kids:


Melisa said...

Adorable kids! Poor baby girl with chicken pox!

Tami said...

Poor baby! At least she waited until AFTER she left the babyhouse before she showed those red spots! :) Give her an extra hug for us!

Shea said...

I love looking at your pictures!!!! I am so glad you got safely home. I have been following your blog for a while, but I am not sure if I have posted until now. God bless, and enjoy the holidays!

Dirk and Trish said...

Cute pics. I can't believe how big Anna is now! For Keith-if you have a good pediatrician, you might ask about miralax or benefiber if it seems to be a constant problem. I wonder if it will improve as he adjusts to the new foods? Dairy, applesauce (but not fresh apples), and white grains/rice could be rough on him. Poor little Kristina! Chicken pox are miserable. Have you tried oatmeal baths? I know my mom would toss me in one when I had them as a kid. The wal-mart generic is like half the price of aveeno and works pretty good.

Carina said...

I love that second picture of Keith--the one of him sitting on the floor smiling. So adorable. Just had to say that!

nicole said...

Ahhh! They're so sweet. I can't wait to meet them!!

shannon said...

Anna just looks so beautiful and grown up. I'm sure she is such a wonderful helper. I also love that you dolled up Kristina's hair. She looks so cute that way. Poor thing about the chicken pox! It's so nice to hear that Keith is improving in motor skills and eating. Yay!