Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Playing with Playdough

Here is Anna showing Kristina how to play with playdough! And there was much rejoicing! I was worried that Kristina would try to eat the playdough - since she is in that lovely put-everything-in-your-mouth phase, but she did great. Can I say how nice it is to have a great big sister to Keith & Kristina? Anna is so helpful. I am one lucky Mama.


MoonDog said...

you could always make homemade playdough if she decides its fun to put in her mouth. super easy to make. I make it because it makes a larger amount and costs less than the store kind and then just store in a covered container of your choice. add a little food coloring and you can make any color you want. and of course you have to knead it a little while its still warm which is so nice for mommy. at least I love it.

Sarah C said...

They look like they are having so much fun. Playdough is great.