Saturday, May 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Keith & Kristina!

This year we are celebrating Keith & Kristina's birthdays together. We had a great time today! The balloon fairy came and brought pink & blue balloons for the twins. We had our friends Ben & Sarah and their two children, Rachel & Spencer, come join us for strawberries and cream cake and homemade strawberry banana ice cream! We got the kids a turtle sandbox and a big bean bag (pink for Kristina and red for Keith). Kristina then got dress ups and Keith got books. It was a great time!

Here are the proud parents of such cute kids: Tyler & I; Sarah & Ben. Thanks for coming!!

It's cake & ice cream time! Keith did NOT like it. I wonder if he'll fuss next year?

Keith enjoyed his presents. Kristina was DEFINITELY into it all!

Isn't she a doll???

Here is a video of Kristina opening her presents. She thought I was taking her picture instead of a video, so she's smiling pretty much 100% of the first cute. Keith wasn't exactly excited about being up on his new bean bag chair. :o(

Singing the Happy Birthday song to the twins!


nicole said...

Looks like fun! Sorry we couldn't make it! You're amazing... homemade ice cream and everything. Love the pictures!!

MoonDog said...

it makes me so happy to see your little munchkins doing so well. I hope mine do as well when they get home!

Carina said...

That's so fun! I hope they had a great birthday celebration =)

Christine said...

Happy brthday to Keith and Kristina! I loved the videos!

Svedi Pie said...

Happy Birthday!! I love Kristina's smiling through half the video - so cute. Also Jill you have an amazing laugh!