We went to a local splash park. Here is Kristina:

And Anna:
And Keith:
Tyler & I relaxing while the kids entertained themselves - nice.

Ben & Sarah have a nice boat and they took us boating on Saturday. Kristina was VERY scared initially, but after riding on the tube with her Daddy, she became relaxed and actually seemed to enjoy herself. Keith was also a bit unsure about riding on the boat, but he quickly became accustomed and LOVED riding on the tube with Daddy and when the boat moved really fast. Anna loved every minute of it and asked several times if we could move to MI and boat with Rachel everyday. She got to hold up the flag when someone fell off the tube or wakeboard.

Here is Tyler on the wakeboard. He loved it and is now extremely sore from it.

Each child went out with Daddy on the tube and loved it.

I actually have a fear of being in water that isn't clear, so this was a real stretch for me - going out on the tube. I had fun being on there with Sarah and screaming "don't kill me" over and over as we hit all the bumps and waves along the way. Riding alone was fun, too, but I was still scared about being in the water - especially when I had to get off the tube and be in the water while climbing up the ladder. Thankfully everyone was very kind and sensitive to me and my fears.

Tyler & I relaxing while the kids entertained themselves - nice.
Ben & Sarah have a nice boat and they took us boating on Saturday. Kristina was VERY scared initially, but after riding on the tube with her Daddy, she became relaxed and actually seemed to enjoy herself. Keith was also a bit unsure about riding on the boat, but he quickly became accustomed and LOVED riding on the tube with Daddy and when the boat moved really fast. Anna loved every minute of it and asked several times if we could move to MI and boat with Rachel everyday. She got to hold up the flag when someone fell off the tube or wakeboard.

Here is Tyler on the wakeboard. He loved it and is now extremely sore from it.

Each child went out with Daddy on the tube and loved it.

I actually have a fear of being in water that isn't clear, so this was a real stretch for me - going out on the tube. I had fun being on there with Sarah and screaming "don't kill me" over and over as we hit all the bumps and waves along the way. Riding alone was fun, too, but I was still scared about being in the water - especially when I had to get off the tube and be in the water while climbing up the ladder. Thankfully everyone was very kind and sensitive to me and my fears.

The rest of the trip entailed a trip to Mcdonald's playland, going to church together, playing ticket to ride, watching HEROES, going to a movie (All About Steve), going on a double date to Carrabbas and going out for lunch with Sarah at Finley's. It was a fabulous vacation and it was extremely relaxing for us. All my kids had fun playing with Rachel & Spencer and Tyler also got to go golfing with Ben, which they enjoyed, and I got to spend 4 days with my very best girl friend, Sarah, which was heaven for me. I miss her SO much! I hope we can get together again soon!!!
I have the same fear! Idk, there is something about not being able to see the bottom. I worry something's gonna grab my foot.
That sounds like SUCH a fun trip! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
What an awesome trip! :) Yayy!
Wow! Sounds like you guys had a blast! What a nice way to end the summer. :)
Sounds like some great fun! I love those splash parks---they are so perfect for kids of all ages!!
I completely understand about the water--I'm the same way.
Looks like a great family trip! We love the lake!
Kristina cracks me up with all her different expressions! :)
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