Sunday, September 27, 2009


We met Valerie and her family at a park nearby. There was a HUGE slide that the kids really enjoyed!

Keith wearing Daddy's hat at Burger King.

Me wearing my orange birthday shirt from my best friend, Sarah!

My handsome husband!
We brought in a cord for Keith to play with while we ate lunch.

Keith is awful cute, but he doesn't enjoy smiling for the camera much...

My girls eating lunch.

My beautiful Kristina - she is, indeed, in the ground. This was taken while Tyler was digging up holes for the fence posts. Kristina fit in them perfectly!
And loved it!
Maggie & Jasper seem to be doing okay, although Jasper somehow hurt one of his front paws...we're not sure how. I think a visit to the vet is in order for Monday.


junglemama said...

Jill, I had to stop by and say hi. I have been busy but slowly I am getting to the point where I can stop by and say hi. As usual, your family brought a smile to my face. Thanks. Hope oyu don't mind that I added you to my blogroll.

Courtney said...

Jill, do you need any summer clothes for Keith (if he's wearing 3-4T)? I've got a whole pile that I could send to you guys (then they'd already be boxed up for the move) or if you're driving through this way (St Louis) I could give them to you.

That is a monster slide!! Wow!

Carina said...

What fun little outings you do with your family! I love that you always make sure to take pictures and post them :)

Alabama Apples said...

What fun family time! I love that slide!! I think I would like to try it! :)

Thanks for the pictures, it is always fun to see you and your family!

Kathey said...

Hi Jill,

I am SO glad that I was able to get you and Valerie together. Wow, you just never know what can happen when you follow the Spirit. :D

Your children are beautiful, and doing so well.

Where is that huge slide? I'll bet my grandkids would love it next time they come to visit.

Good luck getting ready for your move.

Love, Kathey

Sarah C said...

That looks like an awesome slide. I love the pictures of Kristina in the ground. She is so cute. You look great in that orange shirt. You are a wonderful mom. You are always doing fun things with your family.