Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Pierce Reunion 2010

So far we have swam, hit the beach, cooked, eaten, played games, airboat ride, gone out to eat, gone shopping, talked, eaten some more, swam, become sunburned, played, jumped on the trampoline, gone to church, had FHE, gone to Blizzard Beach (Disney World), and...it's only 4 days into the week-long reunion here in FL! Enjoy the pictures, more are still to come! :D


Zactly said...

Sounds like a great time. So glad you all are enjoying yourself.

Carina said...

Family reunions are awesome. We should probably start doing them in my family. And hey, if we have a Dahle one in FL next summer, maybe we'll see each other!!!!

Sarah C said...

You have the PARTY house. That looks like a super fun family reunion. Your pool is awesome. I am glad you had a great time with Tyler's family.