Sunday, January 16, 2011


Tyler gave me a priesthood blessing the night before my most recent lapband adjustment. The blessing stated that God is patient with me and that I should also be patient with myself. Since that blessing, I have really tried to remember to be patient. This is not an easy thing for me. Too often I lose my patience with various things in life: my children, my husband, my lapband not working (yet), and with myself.

This morning, I woke up to see 6 banana peels scattered around the house. Iryna had eaten the entire bunch before 8am. I will admit that my patience hadn't woken up by the time I'd seen those banana peels. Iryna hadn't had her Adderall yet. I was frustrated. Grrr.

This evening, Iryna wasn't eating her dinner (a very common thing for Iryna. Perhaps I should start offering her lots of bananas instead?) and we were going through the motions of encouraging Iryna to eat. Soon, everyone else was done eating and had left the table, except for she & I. Instead of being harsh and impatient with Iryna, I had her come over to me and I spoonfed her a few bites. While she was chewing, we snuggled. She put my arms around her and cuddled up to me. In those moments, I felt like Iryna needed me. She's usually so self-sufficient and independent, but while on my lap I felt like I was the mama that she needed right then. It was beautiful. If I can be more patient with Iryna, I think that we will have more bonding moments like tonight. :)


Saquel25 said...

It's so hard to be patient sometimes. I think you are doing a great job! Those kids do need you and often, even if it doesn't seem like it.

Diana said...

Indeed, patience is difficult to find sometimes, especially when dealing with crazy cakes stuff like we so often deal with with our sweet kids. The banana thing sound SOOO much like what my little guy would do. GRRRRR on so many levels...mostly the one that screams "WHY??? How could you??? He was a BABY!!!"

Glad you were able to enjoy some bonding time with Iryna tonight, though. I love those precious moments. They make this whole crazy ride worth it.

McElwain Family said...

What a sweet lesson. Thanks for sharing.

nicole said...

Sounds like a special moment for you. I'd be pretty frustrated about the banana incident too! I have a hard time being patient with the kids... especially now that we have 5. I feel like I've reached my limit... and something has got to give. Hope it's not my sanity! ;) But I can relate to those feelings for sure. I do know I need to choose to let go of the stress and the rush of it all, and enjoy those sweet moments without thinking of getting on to the next thing. You're a GREAT mom Jill.

So glad to catch up on your blog again!!

Sarah C said...

I am glad you and Iryna had a bonding moment. It is hard to be patient. You are a great mom.