Yesterday I was making lunch and as I walked to throw something away in the trashcan, I slipped on a bag and face planted onto the kitchen floor! My right knee bore the brunt of the fall and it instantly was hurting and swelling up. Before I even got off of the floor, Tyler gave me some water and Motrin. After some ingenious intuition, I was able to get up off the floor and put myself on the couch with my knee elevated. My sweet family surrounded me and they were so kind and thoughtful. I had an ice pack on my knee within minutes and had several hugs from my kids.
After three hours of icing, my knee was still hurting and quite swollen. Tyler took me in to the ER and they did some X-rays. Nothing is broken, but they saw some fluid. They recommended an MRI on Monday. They set me up with an ace bandage, a super fly walker, and some painkillers. I'm not going to lie - this is the most painful injury that I have ever sustained. I am so grateful to my family for taking such great care of me.
Because my house has three levels, I bunked out on the couch last night. Today was spent resting, icing, and sleeping. My knee is still quite puffy and it's hard to get around. This morning Matt and Tyler gave me a priesthood blessing. The words spoke peace to my soul. I am so thankful for the priesthood.
Now I am going through my schedule and trying to figure out what I can cancel and reschedule as I look at this upcoming week. Part of me is frustrated that I cannot do what I am used to doing. But another part of me is thankful that I have no choice BUT to rest and slow down. With so many appointments for my children, I am often on the go and I am frequently tired from all of my running this will be good for me, even if it's uncomfortable and painful.

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