Sunday, September 04, 2016

Aunt Rhoda's Funeral

My knee has begun to bruise quite a bit over the past week. I was able to get an MRI on Friday and I should get those results this coming week. I am praying that it won't be anything serious. 

I didn't realize it is bruising on the sides and back of my knee, also, until Tyler pointed it out. 

Despite being on Motrin, it is still painful a week after my fall. My family has been so kind and considerate and sympathetic to me. I am very blessed!

My great Aunt Rhoda was a kind soul who lived in Pennsylvania all of her life. She died a few months ago and was cremated. My grandpa, Uncle Kurt, and my mom drove out from Oklahoma on Friday and we drove up to Pennsylvania to meet them for the funeral. 

Uncle Kurt spoke about my Aunt Rhoda and read a poem that my dad, Bob, wrote about her. My Grandma always said that her sister, Rhoda, was not right bright. She had some mental challenges, but her mother taught her how to clean and she was really good at it. She loved to clean cars and when she worked at McDonald's, she kept that restaurant super clean. 

I remember Aunt Rhoda. She came to visit my grandparents in Oklahoma one year when I was in high school. She brought lots of happy meal toys for my siblings and me. She was nice and pleasant to be around. My grandmother would send her a letter every single month without fail. She was very devoted to her older sister.

Part of the funeral was music and it was such a pleasure to sing in four part harmony with my grandpa, Uncle Kurt, and my mom. We sang "In the garden," "Nearer My God To Thee," "The Doxology," and "God Be With You till We Meet Again." I felt the Holy Spirit many times throughout the funeral. Only one other person attended Rhoda's funeral, a cousin of hers that none of us had ever met. 

We were small in numbers, but mighty in heart. I love my family - I am so thankful for all of them. Isn't my walker super stylish? Ha ha. 

My grandpa is in his 90s. I admire his tenacity and desire to come all the way from Oklahoma to honor his sister-in-law at her funeral. He spoke very highly of Rhoda and of her whole family. My Grandpa married Martha, one of four children (3 daughters and 1 son). Martha was the only daughter to get married and the only child of Charles and Helen to have children. My grandpa said that they made regular trips to Pennsylvania to see Martha's family. My mom has said that her granny was a wonderful person, who loved to see her grandkids. I am so thankful to be a part of a family who focuses on strong familial ties. There is a lot of love here. 

The funeral quartet!

My mom with my kids. They were SO thrilled to see her again! When did Anna grow taller than my mom?!

My family. I love them so much! Anna is almost as tall as I am! Of course, she's wearing super high heels and I'm wearing flats. Ha ha. 

This is my great grandpa and great grandma. I am thankful for their heritage and the legacy they left behind. 

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