Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Terrific Husband

I have a terrific husband! He is so good to me. When he got home from work, he took me to Lowe's where we looked at some dishwashers. We are planning to purchase one! After we left, I mentioned how I'd been to 2 grocery stores in the past two days and had forgotten to buy whipping cream. Being the wonderful person that he is--he immediately pulled over to a Kroger and took Anna inside--leaving me to rest in the car--and went in to purchase some cream. Then, and you thought it couldn't get any better, after he brought me home and put Anna to bed after scriptures...he took me by the hand and led me to the tv room and had me watch more of MIDDLEMARCH while he did the dishes. I was overwhelmed! He is such a wonderful husband!! (How did I ever get so lucky!?) That is all I wish to write today, I'm practically speechless over my husband's kindess and thoughtfulness towards me. :)

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