Monday, February 05, 2007


Yup. I woke up and shortly afterwards...I was coughing. GRRR! Whenever I am sick, it rarely ever involves coughing for me. I've decided that coughing is not fun, especially the dry cough that I now have. *sigh* I had planned to meet Tyler for raquetball, which didn't happen because the schools were closed due to our below freezing weather, so Anna was home. But then, I was coughing/wheezing, so I wouldn't have been able to breathe anyhow. *double sigh* So, Anna was home from school...and less than thrilled about it. And tomorrow the weather is supposed to be the same as she may be home tomorrow, which will undoubtedly upset her again. She loves seeing all her friends at school, such a social butterfly!

I did some major cooking/baking today--which wasn't the best since I don't feel so great. I baked a turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, corn, & honey oatmeal cake. Anna walked in and saw the turkey, then asked "Is it Thanksgiving already?" So cute!

We had a family over for dinner. They have two kids, one daughter Anna's age. They played really well together. The couple seemed to have some marital difficulties, which they freely talked about in front of was a bit disconcerting and led to some uncomfortable moments. But I think that overall the evening went nicely. We played PIT, which is a game I learned from Tyler's family.

Hearing about problems that other couples have makes me realize how wonderful my husband is. I'm very grateful to have him as my husband. :)

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