Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hurry up & wait!

This morning after swimming lessons Anna went over to play at Bryant's house--she's been looking forward to it all week! Whenever we go over there, Anna will ask me if I'm going to talk with Sis. Redd, because--she explains--if we're talking then that means she can play longer. Too cute.

I met with a music professor at the college I'm interested in attending. After about 5 minutes into the conversation, we realized that everything she was telling me could have been conducted over the phone. Bottom line: I need to talk with the director of graduate studies in music. So she gave me his information and unfortunately he wasn't in his office while I was there--otherwise I could've actually made the trip there productive. So I left him a message and the world will know once I've heard back from him, or at least those of you who read this blog. (My blog is my world, right?)

We bought some italian green beans and some jalapenos to plant where the spinach was. I'm hoping to make some salsa with all the tomatoes that are growing. (YUM! YUM!) So, the garage sale is coming up--makes for a messy house, but it will all be worth it afterwards...right??

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