Sunday, October 14, 2007

Happy Sabbath to all

I love Fast Sundays. Today was wonderful. I greatly enjoyed Ned W. & John D's testimonies. What a wonderful way to strengthen my testimony--by listening to others'.

Choir practice was okay today. I chose the 8 part version of PILGRIM'S HYMN when I should have chosen the 4 part version. It boils down to this: I just didn't think about it. Now I'm trying to figure out how to reduce the 8 part to 4 parts so the choir won't be so overwhelmed and that they can still enjoy the piece. :o)

We had a new family over for dinner tonight. They are a newly married couple (his second marriage, her first) and they had his son with them (from previous marriage). I found myself watching the son intently as he responded to both his dad & stepmother. It's so hard having two sets of parents. It seemed like they were pretty critical of him and his behavior in front of us (of course I can't see the big picture and what life is like for them outside of their dinner visit with us) and I found myself wishing that I could help him out since I've been through some of what he is now experiencing. I do not know what it would be like to experience a divorce, but having had my parents divorce, I can testify how difficult that is to go through. That said, as I have become older, I have been able to notice the benefits of having more than one set of parents: more advice, more examples to follow, etc.

Went to stake choir practice-my voice is hoarse now. They are having 2 hour rehearsals. Next week I won't sing so much, at least not using my full voice. Now that I'm learning more about my own voice, I'm trying to be sensitive to what helps and what hurts my singing voice.


Carina said...

Wow, 2-hour stake choir rehearsal? That's crazy! I hope you're learning some cool pieces. Everybody is going to stake choir practice these days--you, my parents--and I know our stake conference is on November 4th, yet I haven't heard a word about stake choir practice for us! What gives? Are we just not going to have a stake choir? Grr! Okay, I'm done with my little tirade now. Thanks for letting me vent on your blog! I like the idea of you taking care of your voice, though. Isn't it amazing learning more and more about how best to help and not hurt it? It's an instrument that needs to be cared for, too!

Melisa said...

Out of curiousity, how old was the little boy? Did he have any siblings? Just wondering...