Monday, October 15, 2007


Kathey sent me this link:

Thanks Kathey!

I could be on a commercial for clorox bleach after an experience that I had today. I was on my way to our choral concert. The dress has a white panel down the front with black robe attached. (I know, sounds weird, it's "choral attire") Anyhow, I figured that I deserved a treat before leaving the house so I grabbed one of those blue bunny chocolate popcicles (sugar-free) and set out for class. Then it happened, some chocolate dropped onto my dress--on the WHITE part. AUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I turned around and raced home. I used a clorox pen, of sorts, to get it out and it WORKED. The whole time I was praying that it would come out--it's our FIRST concert and I didn't want to show up with a big chocolate stain on it...I'm grateful for bleach.

The concert went well. It consisted of the high school honor choir, my choir (collegiate) and the chamber singers. As I listened to the high school choir sing, I realized that singing is not about "being the best singer" but learning/improving your own individual talent. I used to want to be better than everyone else, now I just want to learn to be the best that I can be--with what I have. It was a lightbulb moment.

This morning I weighed in at 309. That's a loss of 2 more pounds, equaling 21 pounds total since early July of this year. That's exciting! Plus, this is my pre-pregnancy weight! I'm very close to being below 300 pounds which hasn't happened in over 7 years. I'm VERY thrilled about that!!


Unknown said...

You should recreate that moment and post the video on YouTube.
Nice three column layout.

Josephus said...

Jill, I like the new look! Also congrats on the weight loss:)

Melisa said...

Ohhh, I like the three columns. How did you do it?

Yeah pre-preg weight! How awesome! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Yahoo!!! Seriously! I am so thrilled and proud of you! Go MAMA!