Thursday, November 08, 2007

Can't touch this

This morning I received an email from the stake choir director. He said that I'm a talented singer and wanted to know if I would be interested in singing a solo with the stake choir in the future. WOULD I?!? YESSSSS! That was a fun start to my day, let me tell you! That made all my stress from last choir practice worth it! (when I was put on the spot to sing)

Today was my last day of theory class & italian class for this quarter. Tomorrow I have one more class: Sight singing. I'm wholly unprepared for it--we have part of the final in class tomorrow. We have to write down notations: the professor plays 4 measures of a melody and we have to notate it on the staff, rhythm & notes = not so easy.

I've been ready for bed since 2pm today...I took Anna to the chamber orchestra's concert tonight, poor baby fell asleep! I enjoyed hearing 3 of the 4 voice faculty sing with the orchestra! I wonder if I will ever have the opportunity to sing with an orchestra...this one guy in my studio class is really nice to me and is always saying how "amazing" my voice is...this past week he said I was going to sing at the MET someday...I told him that I didn't think so...he asked why...and I'm not sure. I don't know if that is where God wants for me to be--& where he wants me to use the talent he gave me. I guess one day I'll know, & until then I'll just learn & develop my voice as much as I can.


Melisa said...

You are so in your element with this major. It makes me so happy hearing all of your great singing stories. Congrats on the email this morning. That is awesome!

Unknown said...

That video was weird.

Nina said...

You sound so happy lately Jill. I know I don't comment much, but I enjoy reading about your adventures in college. I am sorry for evading your question on my blog. The honest answer is I don't actually know why we are moving and I didn't want to post that on my public blog. I just know it is what we are supposed to do now. I don't know anything else except that I am not supposed to buy this really cute house I want. Again, I don't know why. I feel a bit like a marionette who raises his arms because there is a string attached, but has no idea why he is doing so.

Unknown said...

I don't get it.