Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Festival of the Sun

The Sun used to rise every day
It chased away the dark and cold of the night
The rising of the Sun was as constant as the North Star
On occasion, I woke early to view this glorious event
I marveled at its magnificence in cresting the horizon
Its glow warmed my face; its beauty warmed my heart
Its influence was magical, bringing out a myriad of colors in the sky
Its power, warmth, beauty, and influence continued all day long
It provided light to the path in front of me
There was not a day that I didn’t rely on the Sun
It sustained me, though I rarely acknowledged my dependence on it
Then, the unthinkable happened: the Sun did not rise
The first day was mostly awkward
I got by with my artificial light and warm clothes
As time passed, the days became colder; the nights frigid
More than physical, my emotions grew dark and cold
And now, today is the annual Sun festival
The day in which we recognize it for what it is
It is the enabler of all that is good in life
I had become numb to my new reality
Almost forgetting the happiness of my life before
But on this day, my mind is called into reflection
I remember the blessed life that I enjoyed before
My sadness is now more acute
However, my mind and heart are filled with prophetic inspiration
This solar eclipse, this nuclear winter, will have an end
The Sun will rise again! Joy will return!
These days of darkness will only make the future even brighter
For now I am more aware of how much I need you
You inspire me; you sustain me; you make my life complete

Tyler wrote this for me when we were separated while he was in Air Force training. :o)


Saquel25 said...

Wow! Who knew Tyler was a poet. Does he still write?

Mamapierce said...

He has written 3 poems for me during the course of our marriage. He also wrote a powerful patriotic one that we have hung up in the guest room. He certainly has a way with words. :o)