Sunday, February 17, 2008

Veggies all around

So we bought one of these:

And we've been steaming veggies every night for dinner. So far we've tried cabbage, bok choy (terrible!), asparagus (better than I thought it would be), snow peas, & broccoli. I am interested to know what steamed veggies YOU like. Give me some ideas! We didn't eat steamed veggies growing up - so this is a new thing for me.

Church was wonderful. The youth sang As Sisters in Zion/We'll bring the World His Truth. It was amazing - they even did sign language with it. My ward is so musically talented! I was asked to play the piano in Primary again. I really do enjoy it - I am missing the sisters in R.S., though. During sharing time, Anna was called upon to relate the story of Lehi & his family crossing the ocean to the Promised Land. I was quite happy to hear her recount the story so well - she's only 6! I was a guest speaker in her primary class to talk about what it was like to be pregnant with Anna and to show pictures of her as a baby. Then I sang Mary's Lullaby - they were talking about how Mary must have felt to be pregnant with Jesus Christ. Anna's primary teacher is simply amazing - I am inspired by how much she does to magnify her calling.

I came home from church and took a 3 hour nap. The past 2 nights I haven't slept as long as I have needed to (could be because I've been up WAY too late...) but we're hoping to change that by going to bed earlier. It's hard because I want to spend time with Tyler - and we only have time at night. He only has one more year left of his MBA program, then life will calm down. Last night we realized that during our 7 years of school one of us (or both of us) has been in school. That's a LOT of education!


Annie said...

Steamed broccoli is our favorite, but sometimes I also do carrots. I'd like to incorporate more vegetables and fruits into our meals.

Queen Mother said...

Zucchini and banana squash. Yum!