Tuesday, April 22, 2008


We had our fingerprints done today. That was quick and painless - they said it could be a couple of weeks before we get the results. I sent in our application with some other paperwork to our home study agency. The soonest I've been quoted that we "could" go to the Ukraine is september. I hope it won't be later than that - I'm eager to see my kids!!! :o) We're having our fire inspection on thursday - so we bought a huge fire exstinguisher today. Plus we need to make 2 fire escape routes and post one upstairs and one downstairs. It's amazing what we have to do to prove ourselves as competent parents for adoption! Oh well, it will all be worth it when our kids are home safe & sound. We're preparing for a garage sale to help raise funds for the adoption. It will be held on Memorial Day weekend. I feel so blessed by all the people who have contacted me with items to donate. We feel such love from so many people, it's wonderful!!! That's all for now. Stay tuned for more information!


Jennerator said...

Yeah, it's amazing how competent you have to be to adopt, but to have your own...they'll let anyone do that (like teenagers and crack-heads).

Melisa said...

September is good!