Thursday, May 01, 2008

Let's hope for the best

This morning was spent in preparation for the garage sale beginning tomorrow and also occurring on saturday. Everything was organized on tables in about 3 hours - thanks so much to those who came to help: Heather, Sarah, Valene & Marie! Plus I'm so thankful for everyone who has contributed the items to the garage sale - THANK YOU! One girl, Amy, donated several things and when I was asking her why she was giving so much - she said that she felt that through donating she was a part of the adoption and was helping to make a better life for these precious children. Her words really touched my heart. I feel so indebted to those who are helping us. I tend to want to take care of things myself and not ask for help - I feel so uncomfortable asking for things, but then a friend reminded me that this is for the twins to have a better life. :o) Thanks again! Now I just hope that the forecast for tomorrow is WRONG and will bring us sunshine and lots of garage salers! :o) I had a lovely lunch with Valene & Marie at a local mexican restaurant. I highly enjoy authentic mexican restaurants - meaning that not only is the food authentic, but the people who work there speak spanish. And the best news of all: they have HORCHATA! Only one of my top favorite drinks EVER. Rice + water + cinnamon = YUM!

I did a lot of lifting this morning which has made my arm/elbow hurt quite a bit. I decided that I have put off getting a sling (which I was supposed to do back in February...hmmm, let's's now May?) and it was now time to get one. So I did and I can't believe how restricting it is to not be able to use my right arm. Holy cow. It's going to take some getting used to, that's for sure...only one more month of wearing it (I hope). I'm curious to see how conducting choir and the music in church will go - using my LEFT hand...ha ha.

After picking Anna up from school, we headed to the bank to get some cash for the garage sale and then decided to go to Graeter's for that chocolate ice cream (low glycemic, even!) that I've been wanting lately. About 2 blocks away - the car shuts down with steam coming out from under the hood - I'm in the middle lane, on a busy street and it's 5pm. AUGH!!!!! I called Tyler and he came to help. Here I am with my right arm in a sling, in the middle of the busy road and feeling completely helpless. *sigh* Tyler finally arrived and we were able to move the car - apparantly it had overheated. Even now Tyler is over there trying to figure out how to fix it. I'm not looking forward to only having one car for the indefinite future. And the worst part of all? I never got that chocolate ice cream. :o(


Melisa said...

Wow, Jill. Putting on a garage sale with one arm!? You are amazing. Bummer about the car! Yipes! I hope it is an easy and cheap fix.

Alabama Apples said...

Darn about the chocolate icecream!!...And everything else, too! :) Good luck with your garage sale! I'm thinking about you!