The latest: been working on dossier stuff, doing laundry, spending time with this friend, and trying to get myself back on track with regards to eating/exercising. This is a real problem when all I want to eat is this:

Today we, as a family, ate our lunch outside the Columbus Temple. I have been wanting to do this for some time and it worked out perfectly today. We had our subway sandwiches and talked about the importance of the Temple. We shared with Anna that both Keith & Katya would be sealed to us there. I thought that this would be a happy thought - but then Anna was sad that she was already sealed to us and wouldn't be able to be sealed to us in the Temple. *heavy sigh* Maybe it's just me - but it seems that whenever we have a wonderful gospel teaching moment - Anna finds something she doesn't like about it. However, I've been in primary and have seen Anna answer several questions correctly about the gospel - so I know that she is learning. Perhaps I'm just a paranoid parent. (who isn't?)
For your viewing pleasure - I have uploaded our recent family photos onto the left sidebar of my blog. View them, enjoy them! For when our twins have arrived - they will be replaced with new ones! :o)
I'm sure they take everything in. As evidenced by my kids being so concerned over people smoking/not wearing motorcycle
helmets/using "trash" words. So won't Anna get to be in the room during the sealing?
Anna would be in the sealing room dressed in white; welcoming the Keith and Katya into your eternal family. It's wonderful that our children are born into the covenant, but I've often thought how sweet an experience it would be for them to see it happen.
Love the pictures! Suz
Awesome pictures, Jill! They are all wonderful!
Your pictures look great! You look beautiful. Anna is really cute. I tried to pick a favorite picture, but I like tham all.
Oh my gosh!! I can't believe you posted that picture... because that's my favorite treat of all time! That exact doughnut! It's actually a tie between that one and the Tim Horton's Boston Cream doughnut... YUM!!
You can let Anna know that she WILL be part of the sealing. I actually remember being in the temple when my youngest brother was sealed to our family (we were all adopted.) I was about 5 years old and I remember being dressed all in white and feeling really happy and peaceful. I'm sure it will be a beautiful day for all of you!
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