Saturday, July 05, 2008

Independence Day

Happy Fourth of July! I hope you all enjoyed your holiday - I know that we did. We went over to the Neel's house for barbecue, games, & fireworks! Pictures are posted on the left sidebar for your enjoyment. :o) Here is a clip that I'm borrowing from Ilona's blog (thanks Ilona), it really brought tears to my eyes. It's one minute long:

Living where we live, with my husband serving in the military - it's so easy to feel patriotic. Each day, I feel more and more blessed to live in this great nation. God bless the U.S.A.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the need for a tissue, it was a good clip! Here's another one that I enjoyed :
It's a Budwiesir ad. Sorry, you'll have to cut and paste, but it's worth it! ~ Angela

Melisa said...

Looks like fun!

Sarah C said...

Cute 4th of July pictures. I love the one of Anna asleep on the chair and the one of you and Tyler with sparklers. I am glad you had a fun weekend.

Alabama Apples said...

I am so thankful for those serving our country and the women/men standing behind them in support. Happy 4th!