Monday, July 14, 2008


Here is a totally different game of tag. A good friend of mine, Steph, had this on her blog and it looks like fun!
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew us a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


Sarah C said...

I LOVE your new family pictures! They look great.
My favorite memory we share was last weekend when we went to the temple, out to lunch, and had a super fun sleepover! I had an awesome weekend.
I love all the memories we have shared and look forward to sharing a lot more together.

Carina said...

I have a ton of memories of you, so how can I pick just one? I guess that's what happens when you're cousins.

Anyway, I remember when we had that family reunion at the beach house in Ventura, CA, and you and I hung out almost the entire time, which made me feel cool (I was always in a state of limbo at those reunions, since there aren't really any cousins my age on that side of the family). I think I was about 11 and you were 15, I'm not sure. I remember we went swimming among all the rocks, and I remember that you and Heather sang a duet of "Just One Little Light" (I think) at the FHE talent show we had. Random memories, yes?

Don't go to my blog right away...if I have time later at work today I'll blog about this little tag game. =)

Anonymous said...

Your first (and favorite) word was "doggie". But you never said it just once. It was always something like DOGGIE, doggie, doggie, DOGGIE, DOGGIE!!!! I'm so glad you now have Maggie in your life! Suzanne

Alabama Apples said...

One memory in particular was when you sang the most beautiful song during sacrament meeting. It brought me to tears, not just the beautiful voice you have (which always amazes me with its power and beauty) but because the Spirit was there so strongly-we could feel how you knew what you were singing about Christ was true and it invoked similar feelings in all of us. I am thankful to have been able to hear you sing.

Landlocked Shores said...

Ahh so many to pick from!

1. The very first time we met. It was FHE at the Institute building at OSU. You walked over to me and shook my hand and introduced yourself... I found it a bit formal for FHE but overlooked it ;)

2. One big memory..... Living in your Great Grandmas garage apartment during college while you lived in the house! Great memories of long nights in your room or my apartment or random visits to Wal-Mart late at night! :)

Ticklemedana said...

well...where can I begin? There's all those church and joey sneaking out of his house to drive out to yours (when we were in our 20's!!!) me joey and ryan hanging me sean and Joey hanging out...uh...girls camp...spending the night at your house...throwing your bachelorette party with sarah before you got married...coming out to utah at exactly the same time you were coming back to ok! in utah for a few months while you were that enough??? =D