Tuesday, July 08, 2008

What's going on

I bought a new plant today. I have no idea what kind it is - I found it at the commissary for $3.50 and it had no name written anywhere on the packaging...come to think of it - I'm not completely sure it's an indoor plant? But I hope it is - because it's in a nice pot in my kitchen. ;o)

I've been spending some nice time with Sarah lately - she's new to the ward. Anna has been enjoying playing with her daughter, Rachel. Sarah & I watched the new version of sense and sensibility last night and it was quite enjoyable. If you like Jane Austen - it's a good one. Although, Persuasion is my favorite Jane Austen movie...if you like it - we can schedule a girls night!

We're plugging away on the dossier - should be put together by the end of this week (we hope) and then we will wait and hope & pray that we'll be in Ukraine in about 6 weeks or so. I need to get back on track on the whole healthier lifestyle/eating routine. I'm off track...and need to get. back. on.


junglemama said...

Your dossier will be done before you know it. Don't worry, you'll probably lose weight in Ukraine with al the walking you do. That and the different food had me lose almost 10 pounds. I wish you the best. :)

Melisa said...

I want to see a picture of your plant. It's been my thing lately. :)

At least you aren't gaining. My brownie binge yesterday got me 2 pounds!

Carina said...

Wow, 6 weeks?!? That's so exciting! I'm sure you can't wait to finally be with your twins! =)

Sarah C said...

I am having a great time hanging out with you. Rachel loves spending time with Anna. I can't wait to finish sense and sensibility. I would love to do a girls night out and watch Persuassion. That sounds like fun. Good luck with the dossier.