I have been recently tagged by Steph and so here we go:
Favorite person outside of family: too many to name! :o)
Quirks about me: whenever I am around a very loud noise (hair blower, vacuum cleaner, lawn mower) I start singing - it's an quirky instinct that I can't explain.
How would the person who loves you the most describe you in 10 words: sensitive, talented, generous, intelligent, spiritual, "mama" (anna's response), organized, beautiful, warrior, affectionate.
Any regrets in life: not getting my degree in music
Favorite charity/cause: http://www.reecesrainbow.com/sponsorpierce.htm
Favorite blog recently: my sister, Rachel
Worst job I ever had: Dry cleaners - I was there a month. $5 didn't pay me enough for all of the work I did there.
Favorite Bible Verse: Amos 3:7
"Guilty Pleasure": homemade sweets
Got any confessions: I want sugar
If you HAD to spend $1000 on yourself, how would you spend it? I don't know - take my honey bunny on a cruise?
Favorite thing about your house: I love my house! It has a great layout and now that we've painted it - it's SO cozy!
Least favorite thing about your house: I wish our kitchen was bigger and we could use a 2 car garage instead of a 1 car garage...
One thing you are good at: organization!
One thing you could change about your circumstances: to be out of debt.
Who would you like to meet someday? Jesus Christ
Who is your real life hero: Esther from the Bible
What is the hardest part about your job? it never stops (housework)
When are you most relaxed? at the Temple
When are you most stressed? when my house is a mess
What can you not live without? the gospel, my husband, my daughter
Why do you blog? it's a great creative outlet which doubles as my journal ;o)
Who are you tagging?: well, i have to pick 8 friends so:
Sarah Sarah Melisa Tracey Rachel Cindy Stacey & Dana - of course, anyone is welcome to do this, the more the merrier! I'm excited to read your answers!! :o)
1. Answer the questions
2. Link back to whoever tagged you
3. Tag eight bloggers to do the same
We got the name Gremmy because when we fist got her she really looking like a Gremlin in her face. and as soon as we started calling her that, she started responding instantly. So, that's how she got her name.
Poor Maggie! She's an adorable puppy... especially with those bows in her fur!!
It's funny because I have that same quirk of singing whevever I hear loud noises... like when I'm vacuuming, or blow-drying my hair, etc. I don't know why! But it's just somehthing I've always done. I thought I was the only weirdo! ;)
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