Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Our dossier is ready to go - but the translator isn't in Kiev yet (vacation) and will arrive next week sometime. So we'll send the translation money ($600) and then we should hear back from the SDA about our travel date to Ukraine. We are eager to be there and to bring our children home with us. We are planning to adopt Keith (Nick) and to look for another girl in the same orphanage who is 2-3 years old (if possible) to adopt as well. Your prayers are appreciated as we go on this adventure to add to our happy family. :o)


Sarah C said...

We are praying for you. Good luck!

Melisa said...

Why does waiting have to be so hard?!?!

Kathy C. said...

I'm hoping you find the perfect little girl for your family.

Julie said...

You should look into bringing home Deena from his orphanage! She is so beautiful! She's on the other angels page of Reece's Rainbow. : ) Then, we can meet later and let all of them play, since Daisy is from their orphanage as well!

Arizona mom to eight said...

It is so hard waiting, and waiting. I know that your trip will have some bittersweet moments since your little girl went home with another family.

I also know that once you meet your son and new daughter you will forget the pain and embrace the joy and gift of two new children in your family.

Always praying for you.


Sarah C said...

Your new background looks awesome!

schoolmother said...

I hope you are almost done with your wait.

Staci and Damon said...

Congratulations on getting the dossier completed! We're praying for you and the other families preparing to travel!