Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A bump in the road

So we're driving the kids to Keith's doctor's visit today and out of nowhere - our car decides to shut down. For no reason. Well, not that we could easily see. We had to cancel our appointment, find someone to come pick us up, AND find someone to pick up Anna from school. Frustration. We are now a family of 5 with a small pick-up truck for a vehicle. Not good. Not legal.

Tomorrow is our rescheduled doctor's visit. Let's hope we can get there.


Dirk and Trish said...

Bummer! I hate car problems. They are so inconvenient. Good luck tomorrow!

Tami said...

Awwww man! That stinks! CAr problems stink! Hope it all works out tomorrow.

nicole said...

So sorry that happened... worst timing ever, huh?! I'm glad you were able to get home ok. Keep us updated on how the doctor's visit goes!

Rob and Steph Puterbaugh said...

sounds stressful!!!! have you taken the car to a mechanic? Do you know what's wrong with it? Maybe it's something simple like needing a new battery or something. if you need help...let me know. I only have a cavalier though...but there is a little bit more space...

shannon said...

What happened to your sedan?

Jill said...

the car is fixed and back on the road. Thanks