Friday, February 13, 2009

Show me a sign

So lately Keith has shown us that he can do sign language! Great, I know! We actually did sign language with Anna. We bought these videos - which are wonderful. I highly recommend them to anyone with a child - special needs or not. Keith is such a smart little tike. He can sign "more", "eat", and today he did the sign for "no." Since he can do the sign for "eat", I have been requiring it before each feeding. Did I mention that Keith is also a stubborn boy? Let's just say that it takes anywhere from 30 minutes to ONE HOUR before he will show me the sign for "eat." This has been going on for 3 days now. I had a meltdown yesterday because of all the "niceness" that I've had to have during his hour-long fits. The hard thing? He knows how to do the sign. Every time he does it. He just doesn't want to do it. Grrr. I am eager to communicate with my boy - so I am soldiering on...

Kristina also loves using sign language. She watches those videos every day and asks for them by name. She can do the following signs: yes, no, please, I'm sorry, don't like, like, eat, thank you, more, milk, cereal, banana, ice cream, play, mama, daddy, girl, boy, I love you, sleep, sad, cry, & happy. Invalid, indeed. I am a mama of such smart kids! :o)


Sarah C said...

Kristina can do A LOT of signs. That is great. Keith will get there. You are very patient with him. You are a good mom.

Dirk and Trish said...

Love signing time! It's a great tool for kids that struggle to communicate verbally, as well as those that don't. It's also fun and educational, and the music is great too. I love those!

Melisa said...

Signing Time is AWESOME!!!

thedickinsonfamily said...

What videos did you start with? There are so many to choose from.

Christine said...

THis answered my previous question. May I also ask, what special needs Kristina has?