we now have a privacy fence in our backyard. 3 years after I wanted/begged/insisted on having a house with a fenced in yard - we now have that fenced in yard. Too bad we're moving 2 months, eh? Not much time to enjoy it. My very talented husband finished it today. I am certain some pictures will follow. Sometime.
I was supposed to have my overnight sleep evaluation last week, but the insurance didn't come through on approving it, so they rescheduled it for this week. The reason I haven't posted much or done much or been out of the house much is due to my sleep apnea completely taking over my life. You can't accomplish much when you sleep 12+ hours a day and then want the nap the rest of the time. My stellar husband has been AMAZING at helping to take care of our family. I try to help him as much as I can and I especially try to make sure he gets some fun time off, like skateboarding - where he is right now. ;o) I am hopeful that they will be able to give me some answers from the evaluation and help me get the deep sleep that I am not having currently.
We talked to a realtor today who will help us rent out our home. Now I am trying to look for a home to rent down in Florida. Tell me, when you move somewhere and are planning to rent a house, where do you look? Craigslist? AHRN? Where else? I need some more ideas.
"Military by owner" is a good resource. Google it for the exact address.
That's awesome that you have a fenced in backyard for the next two months! Enjoy it while you can!
I hope you get the sleep apnea figured out...keep us posted.
We used Craigslist for both of the times we've moved since we got married. Granted, we've only moved locally, but it's been a good resource for us.
try www.realtor.com they list rentals in addtition to for-sale
Hey Jill,
So sorry you're still struggling with the sleep apnea. :( But I'm happy for you about the fence. At least you get to enjoy it for a little while. We were pretty dumb, and did all our home improvements (new carpet, new hardwood flooring, new paint, etc) after we moved, so we couldn't enjoy it at all!
As far as the house rentals... we found ours on craigslist, and I agree that miliary by owner is great. Good luck!
I hope that you find releif soon for your sleep apnea. Being a sleep deprived Momma is tough stuff!!
I have found that sometimes there are rentals on MLS...hopefully that helps a little bit...
We have done the last three house-hunting adventures online and used craigslist, realtor.com, ahrn.com, the online newspaper for where we are going to, and other realtor websites such as coldwellbanker, Keller WIlliams etc...we are junkies when it comes to finding the right house, but we've been able to find what we wanted every time.
Sorry if I missed it-- where in FL are you headed? We're on the East Coast. My parents just bought a house to fix and rent out and my FIL is a Realtor... email me if you want mkp1982@hotmail.com
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