Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dressed in white

I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS, Mormon, etc). We believe in being married forever. Tyler & I were sealed (married) in the Oklahoma City Temple:

This December we are going to take our family to OK for Christmas and to have our adopted twins, Keith & Kristina, become part of our forever family in the same temple that Tyler & I were sealed in. It will be such a special experience. Last week we took some family pictures all dressed in white to mark the occasion. Enjoy:


Mary said...

Awwww such lovely pictures!

This may be a stupid question (but I'm not Mormon, so I don't know the answer :-P ) but are the clothes you all are wearing "official" clothes (i.e. ones that every Mormon wears to a family sealing) or ones that you bought yourself. I know that they're all white for the ceremony...

Krista said...

Wow! I love these pictures! You all look so great and I'm very happy for you to be able to do this. We just went a few weeks ago to some friends of ours sealing to their two adopted children. It was wonderful and what a special time to be able to go back to where you and Tyler were sealed!
BTW did you do the photos? They are really very good.
Tell Tyler and if you talk to his parents any time soon, "Hi".

Sarah C said...

Your family is beautiful. You all look great. I am excited for you to be sealed together as a forver family. Congratulations. I know that will be a very special day for you.

Alabama Apples said...

What a special way to remember (the upcoming :) ) time! Families are so important and forever is the best way to be. Beautiful!

Dirk and Trish said...

How great! It's so fun that you can go back to the starting place of your family as it expands. The pics are beautiful! Congrats. :)

Karin said...

What an amazing family you have!! You are all so blessed to have each other! :)

Diana said...

We are soon approaching our 2 year anniversary of having our kids sealed to us. That day easily rivals our wedding day in coolness and neatness. In many ways it was even more special than our wedding was. It wasn't nearly as stressful as our wedding and there simply are no words to describe the feeling we felt when our three precious children, all dressed in white, walked into that beautiful room - the largest one there was - that was filled to capacity with family and friends who had walked this walk with us every step of the way. As we looked around that room, we also realized that well over 3/4 of those people had at some point had their lives personally touched by adoption and for several of them it brought back memories of when their own children were sealed to them. It really and truely was everything I ever dreamed it would be and more. You have much to look forward to, my friend!

MoonDog said...

I am just sooooooo happy that those two little pumpkins went home to such a loving family. the photos look great. and they look like you guys were having a great time. thats the hallmark of a good photo, capture the moment, the spirit of it, not just the people.

Annie said...

This is so exciting! What a special day to look forward to - this should be motivation to get you through anything right now. And great pics by the way. I've never seen anyone get photos taken in their whites, but what a great way to prepare. You can look at these photos everyday and be reminded of your sealing.

nicole said...

Beautiful beautiful pictures!!! We're so happy for you guys to have that amazing experience.
Love ya!

Svedi Pie said...

Oh I was actually wondering when you would be able to all get sealed together. I love these pictures - such a beautiful way to remember such a wonderful part of your lives.

Carina said...

Wow...this almost brought me to tears. I love seeing people all in white, and knowing that the reason you're all in white is because of what's going to happen in a couple of months is just awesome. Congratulations (pre-maturely). Your family is going to be yours forever! =)

Anonymous said...

I really like the pictures---keith is looking so much bigger and cute! I love all the white! Congrats!