Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lost in translation

When I went with my husband to Taiwan a few years ago, I was often amused by the English "translations" of Chinese signs. I found this website of similar amusing signs and will share a funny one here:

Sign on laundromat in Utsunomiya, Japan.



MoonDog said...

thought of you yesterday at the opera! thought of your singing! It was my first opera. It was lovely and even though I was NOT going to cry at the end I coudlnt help myself and cried along with everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Too funny! What the heck? LOL
Maria (Canada)

Winnie said...

Would you please write a little blurb on you blog concerning the Adoptiong Tax Credit that is set to expire at the end of this year? Jennifer Dove has created a blog site that has all the info. We really need to push this through Congress!
