Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Singing Opportunity

Sometimes Tyler is able to come home for lunch. Yesterday, Iryna was home sick with a fever. Iryna wasted no time in asking her daddy to read her some Dr. Seuss!

Tyler is such a good daddy. Iryna is feeling much better now. :)

Today I was able to sing a song for function supporting SALLY'S HOUSE. I was really pleased to have the opportunity to sing. I sang THE CURSE from the musical movie Rigoletto. It's a beautiful song and I enjoy singing it. I actually messed up on some of the words (I have a fear of doing that) but I don't think anyone noticed...anyhow, after the meeting, I was approached by someone in connection with a nearby symphony and she asked if I'd be interested in performing sometime. Would I?!? I hope to hear back from them soon!

A picture of Vanessa and I. Vanessa is the one who invited me to sing today. She is also an excellent singer and I look forward to getting to know her better during my time here in FL.

A picture of Liz and I. I met Liz back in OH. She is a highly accomplished pianist and a good friend.


Sarah C said...

Congratulations Jill! That is so awesome. You have a beautiful voice. I love to hear you sing.

nicole said...

Wow! Congrats! I agree with Sarah... you have a gift from God. SO glad you are finding opportunities to share your lovely talent. :)

Karin said...

Jill--what a blessing. You have a beautiful voice!!! Much love!