Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pierce Reunion 2010 part two

Highlights from the week-long reunion:

-Grammy (My mother-in-law, Melanie) lost her glasses at the beach, so we went to a one hour place to get some new ones made. It ended up being nice because I got some one-on-one time with my mil and she's such a great lady. I am so blessed to have an awesome mil! :D

-It was the first time for many of our guests to see the beach/ocean for the first time, Disney World, and for going tubing on the river. It was fun sharing in their excitement!

We had a super great time with our family from Oklahoma! We look forward to the next Pierce Reunion! Thanks for coming & enjoy the pictures:



nicole said...

Wow! Looks like you all had a blast!!

Sarah C said...

WOW! That looks like soooo much FUN!