Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Anna had an eye appointment on Monday. It was inevitable that she would need eyeglasses at some point in her life - her parents and BOTH sets of grandparents have glasses/contacts. In fact, I first got glasses in third grade, as did my mom, and now Anna is beginning third grade. We purchased two purple sets of glasses from Zenni Optical and anticipate their arrival before school begins. Anna isn't too thrilled to wear glasses, but hopefully she will adjust quickly.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with my doctor to diagnose what this small rash is on the arch of my foot. I've had skin stuff off and on throughout my life. I remember that when Anna was born, I got ezcema on my hands from all the diaper wipes. ??? Fun skin stuff. Feel free to be jealous.

Some days are more productive than others. I hope that someone who's reading this is nodding in agreement. Today was...less productive than other days. I put away some laundry, read one chapter of Harry Potter with Anna (book 1) and made a nice dinner (chicken broccoli casserole, vanilla muffins, & chocolate pound cake). Oh, and I played, snuggled, fed, and looked after 3 adorable children. That's all I did. :D What did you accomplish today?


Brianne said...

Well you can tell her that I was 3-years-old--yes, three--when I got glasses. =) Mine were mostly pink when I was a kid...but purple sounds soooo much cooler.

Good luck with the doctor! Kirsti has weird skin stuff, too. Bleck.

Sounds like a pretty fun day, and hey, making dinner, folding laundry, and taking care of three kids is TOTALLY productive. I woke up late, went to a research meeting, saw How To Train Your Dragon (again), watched two Bones episodes, made dinner, uploaded some photos to my online album...and that's about it! Haha. I think your day was more productive than mine =)

Carina said...

Neither Cody nor I wear glasses, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything...especially since bad eyesight runs in my family, as you know! I think Joshua is okay so far, but we'll see.

Sorry about the skin stuff. I am super jealous over here.

I agree with Brianne--you had a very productive day! I just went to work, came home, ate dinner (Cody had made chicken and rice before I got home, conveniently), went shopping with Joshua for gas and diapers, did some transcription, watched an episode or two of The Office, and went to bed. Kinda boring, but that's my life :P

McElwain Family said...

When I was little I wanted to wear glasses so badly I would take my mother's old ones and pop the lenses out and wear the frames around! If you wear glasses at all you should wear them when Anna get's her to show her it's just what "mamma" does! :) I know for me it was like wearing make-up I wanted to because my mother did :)

I was at work all day fixing the computer networking system, then I came home, ran, read to my girls, gave them baths, made porkchops and potatoes for dinner, ate and put the girls to bed. Josh played his new video games (warcraft) and I got a few stances into the Dead Sea scrolls before bed :)

Unknown said...

You can tell Anna that my 8-year-old daughter would love to have glasses, so she'd look more like Daddy. :) Purple is great!

Yesterday we headed up to LA to the Israeli consulate to submit the kids' paperwork for their passports, and if we were there we went to see the LA Temple Visitors' Centre. Then we met up with some other former LDS folks in the region and went to hunt for the LDS book store in Orange... which must have shut down as we couldn't find it. I needed to buy some run on stickers and scripture stickers (Old Testament ones, of course) and I really like the ones I used to have. Maybe we will need to head down to San Diego to Deseret Book. I wonder if those are still sold?

Anyway, we had a busy day yesterday. Today I'm teaching my new daughter how to bake challah to perfect our techniques for Shabbat!

Katie said...

Would you like me to make you feel better about the skin issues?

I break out in hives every time I shave my legs. Every. Time. Probably thousands. Up and down both legs.


You're welcome. ;)

Saquel25 said...

I made about a couple of month's worth of organic baby food. Sweet potatoes and leeks and green beans. All for about $5. I made dinner for the whole family of course. But all day I had my own children plus two more who were here to play. I am feeling wiped right now. It's nice to have my computer back in order. My power cord wasn't working for the last few days. Catching up on the blogging world and my facebook friends.
You can't always be super productive. A bunch of folded and put away laundry is a productive day for me. In fact I should have done that myself today but it never happened.

Saquel25 said...

I made about a couple of month's worth of organic baby food. Sweet potatoes and leeks and green beans. All for about $5. I made dinner for the whole family of course. But all day I had my own children plus two more who were here to play. I am feeling wiped right now. It's nice to have my computer back in order. My power cord wasn't working for the last few days. Catching up on the blogging world and my facebook friends.
You can't always be super productive. A bunch of folded and put away laundry is a productive day for me. In fact I should have done that myself today but it never happened.

Sarah C said...

Did you find out what the rash is? I hope you are ok.
I am sure Anna will look so cute with glasses.
When you say "That's all I did", you don't give yourself enough credit. Being a mom is hard work. You do a great job.

Maria said...

I can commiserate about the skin issues/rashes. You remember my horrible hand/arm excema? It went away when I stopped eating gluten! Read that book - it can help you heal your gut and most likely your skin issues as well!