Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hurricane's a'comin'*

So Hurricane Irene is on her way this-a-way. It's my first experience with a hurricane. I grew up in Oklahoma, so I'm familiar with tornadoes, but hurricanes are bigger and cause more damage. I am grateful to be near an Air Force base, because they have the responsibility (not me) to tell me when I need to evacuate. So far, it doesn't look like we'll have to leave. This is a blessing, as I am still recovering from my lapband removal and I can't lift more than 10 pounds for at least another week.

I am recovering s l o w l y from my surgery. I am eager to feel up to doing normal things, but when I even begin to try them I am tired and need to rest. Ah, well, I should be back to normal soon enough. I am grateful for the meals that have been brought over. I can't even do dishes, much less make dinner. My family is grateful that we're not eating macaroni and cheese and hotdogs while mama recovers. ;)

Last night Tyler & I played GUESS WHO with Iryna. Iryna and I were on one team. I think she is getting the gist of the game. She is able to tell if her person is a boy or a girl, what hair color they have, if they're wearing a hat or glasses, etc. She didn't understand the color of skin, though. Guess we'll have to work on that. She is doing well at school. Her teacher, Ms P, is having her spend time in a regular 1st grade class. I am excited that she is behaving well in there, for the most part, and Ms P is encouraged that Iryna will spend more and more time in there. I feel more confident now that Iryna will be able to become mainstream at school. This is very exciting. :)

Anna is back in her SUNSHINE STATE reading competition, er, program. She is reading as much as possible and wants to be the #1 reader again this year. She is learning cursive and doesn't care for it. I like cursive and still use it. Tyler says that he can't write in cursive anymore - I didn't realize that you can forget how to do it! Anna is still in piano lessons. Her teacher, Ms Hyde, does a great job with her. Meaning she doesn't put up with anything. ;)

Keith is loving school. Every night he asks "Tomorrow, bus?" He left his stuffed airplane in OK and has been mourning the loss of it. Mom, did you find it??

Last night, I encouraged Tyler to spend some time playing with the kids. He is a great father, but sometimes just needs a little reminder to do various things (don't we all?). He spent about 2 hours playing games and reading books with the kids. Our kids are so blessed to have him - and I know that I am, too.

Tyler and I have been watching the HOUSE series. We're on season 5 now. I love learning about various medical diseases. I find them fascinating. During the day - especially while I am healing from surgery, I am watching my beloved FRASIER series. It's my favorite tv show. Ever.

*Name the movie


Mary said...

My school never really did cursive - just a short unit in 3rd grade. As a result, I've mostly forgotten it, and what I do remember is definitely not as beautiful as cursive should be. Ironically, my Russian 101 professor in college insisted that we write out all of our homework in cursive Cyrillic, so my cursive Cyrillic is actually quite nice whereas my English cursive is...not.

Carina said...

LITTLE MERMAID! At least, that's what I recognize the quote from :)

I'm glad you're recovering, albeit slowly. Just take it easy and don't try to do too much too soon, because that will delay your overall recovery time! Good to hear people are helping out with the meal prep. Hugs to you and your family!

Unknown said...

I learnt to write cursive before print, so did my kids, but Kevin the other way around. I can write cursive, he can't.

I hope you feel better soon. And yay for Iryna.

Rebecca said...

What Carina said! (Love that movie!)

I don't really write cursive any more, though some of my printing has linked-together letters.

Feel better!

Brianne said...

Aww, man...I was going to comment with "SECURE THE RIGGIN'!" but it seems that a few other people already saw it and got it. =( Oh well, good to know a few other Disney lovers! I hope Irene passes you by or that you are much more recovered by the time you may have to evacuate. Sounds like your family is doing well, which is great! Good to hear =)