Friday, July 06, 2012

Echo Cardiogram for Calvin

This morning Calvin had his echo cardiogram in St Petersburg at All Children's Hospital. It went well and to our surprise we learned that Calvin has already had the first of the two surgery process for the Fontan procedure. So, he is halfway there and doing well and needs only one more surgery (for now). This will help Calvin delay having a heart transplant. The Fontan has only been done for 30-40 years we are told, so there's not a lot of data about the future. It is possible that Calvin will not need another surgery, but for now I will prepare myself for an eventual heart transplant, hopefully a few more decades away from now. Tyler and Calvin will be home very soon and I am eager to see them. I have this horrid head cold and I feel just awful. I hope it will pass quickly.

Sweet Calvin Baby

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