I was on my feet for 7 hours. We sold 35 bags of Choffy, one French press, and gave out over 500 samples. It was crazy busy and we had the busiest table in the whole room. We were even featured on a local news channel! It was a great experience for me and I loved having Tyler with me. He has a lot of experience with sales and he enjoyed it, too. I am looking forward to growing my Choffy business here in OH. For more information, to order, or to sign up as a distributor, go to my website: www.drinkchoffy.com/jillpierce
Keith has an appointment to see the developmental pediatricians on base. I think he has autism and I want him to be evaluated.
Yesterday, I was asked by Cindy at church to share my experience in staying with Anya Bigun in Ukraine during our adoption of the twins. The topic of her lesson was charity. I am so grateful for her asking me to say a few words because it altered my memory of that time with Anya. Background story: I was in Ukraine for 5 1/2 weeks during the adoption of Keith and Iryna. Tyler stayed for 3 weeks and then had to go back to work. For the remainder of that time, I stayed with Anya. She opened her home to me. She is poor and doesn't have much in the way of material things. But I never felt more welcome than with her and when I left, she hugged me and told me tearfully that she loved me. When I think of where I live and all that I possess, it humbles me that God would allow this dear woman to show me charity during my time in Ukraine. I will forever be grateful to Anya for her kind service and for Cindy who allowed me to associate the word CHARITY with ANYA BIGUN, because those words belong in the same sentence.
So happy for the chocolate festival experience! I hope it leads to lots of new customers. :)
Thanks Jill, for sharing your experience. You brought a wonderful spirit to our Relief Society and both you and Anya are wonderful women!
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