Thursday, August 08, 2013

Apple Pickin' Time

A nice girl at church, Kamala, let us come over and pick some apples off of her tree. It was super fun for the kids and me, other than the kids trying to pick up rotten apples and throwing them in the bag. 😜

We also have some tomato plants growing in pots in our backyard. A few green tomatoes fell off when we were replanting them into larger pots. I am not sure what kind they are, as someone gave us the plants from their backyard.

I was able to spend some time with a great friend today, Valerie. I love that she is only 20 minutes away from me. I can bring over my kids, special needs and all, and they fit RIGHT in at her house with her kids. I consider myself so blessed to have friends who "get it."

We drank some Choffy in her super cool Czech Republic mugs. How cool are those?! Thanks for a great day, Valerie! My kids are already asking when we can go back to visit. 😃

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