Saturday, March 01, 2014

Changes ahead

And so...the time has come for the Pierce family to move again. This time we are scheduled to depart in June. No word yet on where the Air Force is sending us, but we *should* know by mid-March. We have felt prompted to sell our house, so we are working hard to prepare for it to be listed this coming week. It is a ton of work, going through every room in the house and cleaning/organizing/decluttering it. Tyler has been painting and finishing up projects. It is stressful! But as we met with the realtor this past week, I felt the Spirit whisper to me that everything is going to be all right. I am grateful for that revelation and have reflected upon it more than once since then.

Tyler is on the RIF board again. Congress thinks that the Air Force is too big, so they are making cuts. We will move in June and then in October we will find out if Tyler is being cut or not. If not, things continue as planned. If he is cut, then we will probably be in the new base for a year and then move wherever we get a job. Perhaps we could move back home to Oklahoma? I am trying to find the positive in both scenarios.

My gluten-free journey is still on-going. I created a new blog to chronicle it here. I am finding some recipes that work and some go-to snacks that are super nice to have around. I have been checking out cookbooks from the library and also reading a book on raw food. Very interesting and I feel inspired to continue on my quest towards greater health.

Silas' new medication isn't working. This is why: he can't stop crying. His note from school stated that he cried the whole day. Poor guy. We stopped giving it to him after four days of it showing the same results. So that is 3 down...I hope the next one works. I wonder if vyvanse would work for him since it is what works for Iryna and they both have FASD. It's a thought!

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