Sunday, December 08, 2019

Fish tank

So a few months ago, I bought a small 2 gallon fish tank. Excitedly, I went to the local pet store to buy lots of fish to fill it up. Much to my dismay, they said I could only have two fishes or maybe three. Undaunted, I purchased two and brought them home to my already set up tank. 

Michael was with me when I learnt how many fishes my small tank could hold. He has been asking me for several weeks about ideas for Christmas presents (for him to get for me). Well, he seized the opportunity and bought me a 40 gallon fish tank! 

I have been eager to create a peaceful haven in my bedroom and now I have the fabulous fish tank and two comfy chairs, so I can have a friend over and chat. It’s a place for me and all of my family to come and relax. It makes me happy. I am so thankful for Michael’s thoughtful gift. 

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