Sunday, October 15, 2006

Favorite Day Of The Week

I love sundays, they are so calm and wonderful. We went to church and I really felt the Spirit while I was there. Everyone has been so kind and friendly to me. I feel so welcome in our new ward.

After lunch we went to visit two families in our ward. It was nice to become better acquainted with them. One family said that they were so happy to have company and that they didn't have it very often. It seems to me that as we move further into advancing technology that we forget to fellowship with one another. Any thoughts?

Tomorrow I'm going to do a Liver Cleanse. It clears up my allergies for about 6 months. It's been over 2 years since I did it. I avoid this particular cleanse because it involves drinking epsom salts. GAG! Anyhow, tomorrow is my cleansing day...hip hip hooray!


Melisa said...

Um, that liver cleanse sure does not sound fun. How long do you do it for?

Does Ashton for sure have SIDS? I didn't think they could diagnose that until after death.

I don't think technology is the reason I don't really fellowship. For me it is more, laziness, being overwhelmed with my life lately, and not being the most comfortable person in social situations.

Mamapierce said...

The liver cleanse lasts 2 days. Tomorrow afternoon I should be quite recovered. I've done this cleanse twice before, it's not so bad and really does work-so it's worth it. It's just hard to get the epsom salts down...

Well, Ashton stopped breathing and it was about 15 minutes before help arrived. Apparantly she has lots of lactic acid in her brain and they did a cat scan and there isn't one part of her brain that wasn't affected. The doctors aren't projecting that she will live. :(

I understand not being comfortable in social situations. Believe it or not, I'm nervous around new people and I'm afraid I'll say something silly. But I know that friendship is very important to me, so I suffer through the uncomfortableness of it all...make sense?